How to delete a shortcut
How to delete a shortcut

If you don’t want shortcut marks to show on icons. What to do to remove shortcut marks from desktop icons:. Today, I’m going to tell you the way how to remove those shortcut marks from desktop icons. What if we would able to remove those irritating shortcut marks from icons. Well, one thing which irritate us is that when we install software programs on windows, it makes shortcut on desktop along with ugly shortcut marks on the icons. Some utilities like hide your files behind images, delete any file if windows giving errors or set images on audio files etc. The best part of the operating system is that you can get the solution of any problem you face by installing a related utility. Right from the day I started using computer, I use windows.

how to delete a shortcut

We need to install essential software whenever we install windows or for other aim. With the release of new operating systems, it is getting more and more better. We know Windows is best operating system and popular too.

How to delete a shortcut