A brimming glass of spiders
A brimming glass of spiders

a brimming glass of spiders

She also said something about catching frogs and living in a basement, but he had brushed it off as her being weird. There was some abstract art on the walls and the only thing that showed him what his aunt was really like was a portrait of a Sim that he knew from asking years ago was "Our Dear Leader".

a brimming glass of spiders

The first thing the boy saw when he entered was the boring floral couches separated by a glass coffee table in the front room. Izuku had asked to visit her after she got home from the hospital from a particularly bad heart attack and his loud teacher had been the only one available to accompany him (Aizawa had made it a rule after the Gentle incident that Midoriya was not, under any circumstances, allowed off-campus unless he was accompanied by a teacher). Midoriya Izuku held the door to his aunt's apartment open for Yamada-sensei and followed the blond inside.

A brimming glass of spiders